my package of the day: synergy and quicksynergy – share a single mouse, keyboard and clipboard between multiple computers

Once upon a time… I sat beneath a person who tried to show me something on his GNU/Linux desktop. As he noticed, he needs to copy a password from his Windows machine (was it OS X?), which was standing close, I waited for him to copy and paste by using his eyes. But hey: He just moved his mouse across the boarder of his screen and the mouse pointer appeared on the screen of the other computer. There he marked something, copied it to the clipboard by using the very keyboard, moved his mouse back to the first screen and pasted the content from the clipboard. I am neither talking about two screens attached to one computer, nor about a kvm device. You can probably imagine, how surprised I was…

The solution to this magic is rather simple. It is called „Synergy“ – a program available for GNU/Linux, Windows, OS X. It is a server/client application. Given the situation that you are mainly using one computer – let’s say your desktop, but also need access to your notebook, or even notebooks, standing left and/or right of your desktop screen, you make your desktop the synergy server. This is rather simple: Install the packages „synergy“ and for your convenience „quicksynergy“ – a graphical configuration wrapper – by calling „aptitude install synergy quicksynergy“ or just Synaptic on EVERY machine.

Now let’s get it running: First, start „Quicksynergy“ on your main computer (the desktop in this case) from your menu (you should find it under Accessories or Utilities). Click on „Settings“ to make sure, that the checkbox „Keep… running“ is not checked, as you probably don’t want to see Quicksynergy the whole time. Now go back to „Share“. You see you computer in the middle and four text boxes around it. The magic of Synergy is, that you need to know the hostname of the computer that wants to connect to your computer as Synergy relies on this information. If you are unsure, just run a „hostname“ on the console of the other machine.  I repeat: Don’t use fancy names, don’t use the ip address here – you need the hostname of the machine that will connect to your computer.

In my case my notebook is called „hasung“. Now decide, where the connecting computer/notebook is placed. In my case „hasung“ is right of my desktop screen. Therefore I enter the term „hasung“ into the text field labeled „Right“:


Afterwards clicking „Start“ will launch the Synergy daemon and fork the program into the background.

Now you have to find out the ip address of your main computer, as the computer/notebook beneath needs to connect to it. If you don’t know how to do this: open a console and run „ifconfig | grep inet“. If you are on a typical local area network, it will start with something like „192.“ or „10.“. Just check it out or ask somebody who knows. In my case the ip address is „“.

Now lay your fingers on the keyboard of your second machine – hopefully for the last time for today. You have two ways of connecting here – either by using quicksynergy or by using the command line. If you want a gui, start Quicksynergy, make sure, that the checkbox „Keep… running“ is not checked, on the „Settings“ tab, then click on the tab „Use“ and enter the ip address of your main machine, where the synergy daemon is already running. In my case „“:


Click start and you should be up and running! Check this by using the mouse of your main computer and move the mouse pointer beyond the (right or left) screen frontier. The mouse pointer should appear on the other screen. You are done!

Network issues in Ubuntu Hardy

With Ubuntu Hardy suddenly strange things happened with synergy, as something on the network layer of the kernel has changed. The best workaround I know so far, is to run (quick)synergy on the client with sudo, so it does not get interrupted that often. As I am a heavy console user, I just run

$ sudo synergyc

from a terminal window instead of quicksynergy. If you have a better hint, let me know.


Synergy opens a tcp port on the main machine. If you are using a firewall or even iptables manually you have to allow acccess to this port. Synergy uses port „24800“ by default. So if you know what you are doing, a „iptables -A INPUT -p tcp –dport 24800 -j ACCEPT“ might help you.

Staying on the same network

Actually your computers don’t have to be in the same network, but: The client machine has to be able to access the synergy tcp port on the master. Imagine the following: You are bringing your notebook to your company. It uses wifi while your desktop uses a cable connection. As your administrator does not trust wifi connections, he split the networks, so no direct connection from the wifi network to the cable network is possible. In this case you have to deal with your administrator. But trust me: synergy is not a reason for breaking company security rules :)


From a security point of view, synergy is … let’s say… simple. There is no password protection, no security layer, no encryption. The only access control is the hostname of the client, which can, of course simply be forked. What does that mean? It means two things: First: People could annoy you by using your hostname on their machine and connect to your synergy instance. Counter measure? Ban them by using a local firewall, if you know, how. Second: People on the network might be able to sniff your data (mouse gestures, key strokes, content of the clipboard). Counter measures? Use a ssh tunnel! I won’t explain this here, but might already have a clue, what I am talking about.


If your (quick)synergy forked into the background and you feel, that somehow it all does not work, open a terminal and run „pkill synergy“or „sudo pkill synergy“. This should stop all running instances.

Get more!

As might already have noticed, you can even connect more machines. Feel free to place machines to the left and right, even upper and lower side of your main screen at the same time.

So that’s for now. Feel free to post your experiences here, and yes: I am also using synergy in combination with hosts running Windows and/or OS X, though configuration on GNU/Linux with Quicksynergy is the best method I have seen.

my package of the day: proggyfonts – tiny fonts for programmers and console users

(Well, it is not yet a package, but trust me: I’ll make sure it gets one.)

As a programmer or console user you might know the pain of having not as much characters on you screen as you would like to. You tried around with different fonts, it got better by reducing font size but it is not yet perfect. If I tell you, that you just have the wrong fonts you probably moan „… I tried all installed fonts“. And you are right by that: The fonts I am going to tell you about are definitely not preinstalled.

I ran into the font trouble a couple of years ago. As my eyes are quite good I yearned for a really tiny font to overflow my brain with as much content as possible on the same time. After I a while I started a research on the web and found a page that already sounds like a perfect hit: The site hosts 24 monospaced bitmap programming fonts (licensed under a free BSD-type personal license) enhanced for a small screen footprint and issues that programmers often run into like differing 0 (zero) from O (capital letter „o“).

Font comparison

The font I use is called „ProggyFont Tiny Slashed Zero“ which stands for: A real tiny font with a cleary slashed zero. To compare it to a „normal“ font let’s see it in action. Here you can see a default installed Monospace font which has been set up to a small font size:


Concentrate on the characters you see above: They blur a bit. It’s not a big deal but if you are working with it for hours it gets one. Now let’s compare the same screen with ProggyFont Tiny Slashed Zero:


See how clear the characters are? It even got smaller – you could handle one or two lines more within the same space if you would resize the window according to the previous one. What a relief!

Even more fonts

Now the example given is the most aggressive one as it is really small. You might consider other fonts as helpfull. Let me give you another example of a font: Proggy Clean (better to read as it is bigger) Slashed Zero Bold Punc – see yourself:


What have they done? They assume when you are a programmer you like characters like brackets, colons and so on being bold as the mean something in the code. Often you have to deal with interfaces that don’t mark those characters. Now the font does this for you. Nice, isn’t it? Now even cat and less show you bold coding elements without even configuring them to do so.


The site hosts the fonts in different formats. As I am lazy and is supported I only use the TTF font. To enroll a font in Gnome you have two ways depending on your Gnome version. First download a font package, unzip it, so you have file named fontname.ttf. To speak in Ubuntu versions: If you running Ubuntu Gutsy or below, open Nautilus, go to „fonts:///“ and drag and drop the ttf file into it and just restart your X session. If you have Hardy, create a directory called „.fonts“ in your home directory and copy the ttf file into it. Restart X afterwards (though not all applications depend on this).

Now open the application you want to enhace with your shiny new font. Let’s say it’s gnome-terminal. You should be able to choose a font named ProggySomething. Now you have to choose a font size and that is the only tricky thing to do: You have to find out the only possible font size. This setting might differ from application to application. In gnome-termin it is „11“ for instance which seems huge, but in fact is not. Just try it out. Under KDE or even Windows/OSX you’ll find out fast how to enroll the fonts. In fact it works, you just have to try.

So now you have a new set of fonts ready to boost your productivity. Make sure you don’t get a headache when using it and don’t crash your brain with an information overflow. I’ll report back when I packaged those fonts for a simple usage in Debian/Ubuntu.

my package of the day: file – classify (unknown) files and mime-types on the console

You know this? Somebody just sent you a mail with attachments that don’t have usable file extensions so you don’t really know how to handle them. Audio file? PDF? What is it? The same problem might occur after a file recovery, on web pages with upload features or just when you are really and time pressure and have time for messing around with file type guessing.

While you can try to give the file an extension and open it with a software you think might be suitable, the more sophisticated way is to let your computer find out what is all about. As a GNU/Linux user you probably already think „There is surely a command line tool for this“. Of course there is: The package „file„, that often gets automatically installed by dependencies or just an „aptitude install file“ will help you out.

„file“ depends on „libmagic“ which provides patterns for the so called „magic number“ detection. You don’t have to know, what that is, but if you want, see this Wikipedia article for reference. So all you have to know, is how to handle the file command. And actually there is not much to learn. Let’s assume we have the following directory with unknown files:


Now we want to know what’s inside those black boxes. Therefore we just call „file *“ on the console:


Hey, that’s all. Pretty impressive, isn’t it? „file“ does even not only differs binary from text files, it even tries to guess what programming language a text file is written in. And the magic is not that much magic: In case of the zsh file it just sees a shebang pointing to the zsh in the first line of the file, a PDF file typically starts with „%PDF“ and so on. It’s all about patterns.

„file“ provides you with some command line options that make it’s usage even more helpful. The most interesting is „-i“ as it prints out mime types instead of verbose file types. If you are a web developer and want to know the exact mime type for a file download, this can save you a lot of time:


Great, isn’t it? The Apache webserver also uses libmagic for this purpose. With „file“ you just use a wrapper for the same task.

That’s all about „file“ for today. Happy file detection – and feel free to report back.

my package of the day: listadmin – moderate mailman mailing lists from the console

Are you involved in moderating Mailman mailing lists? Then maybe you know the pain: As you try to stop spammers flooding you list you hold messages from unknown senders back for review. Or you have a moderated mailing list that only allows postings explicitly published. However. In most cases you get mails from Mailman telling you that there are messages you have to moderate. The common way is to enter the web interface, enter your password, read the messages and discard/reject/allow them.

This workflow is easy but it can really get on your nerves as the web stuff is somehow time consuming. Therefore from time to time you get lazy on moderating…

Well, there is light at the end of the tunnel and one cannot repeat this hint often enough: The package „listadmin“ provides a powerful console tool for moderating mailman mailing lists. As Debian/Ubuntu user you just have to install it via „aptitude install listadmin“ on the console or via Synaptic. You just have to write an .ini file with the configuration (admin url, credentials). The files looks like this:

adminurl https://hostname.tld/mailman/admindb/{list}
default skip
log ~/.listadmin.log
password secret
[email protected][email protected]

So we just give an url with a placeholder named „{list}“. This way we can moderate multiple lists with fewer lines of configuration. Now let’s see how listadmin behaves when checking existing mailing lists (in this case our Berlin based Ubuntu mailing lists):


Nothing to do – no messages to moderate in this case. But hey – we just got an incoming request. Let’s rerun listadmin and check:


A spammer tried to hit our list. We now can decide wether to Approve, Reject or Discard the message. If it’s spam you want to discard as this just deletes the message. When you want to provide feedback to the user, you have to reject and are able to enter a reason. Of you course you also can examine the full body of the message or just skip it and keep for the next session. In our case „d“ was entered for deleting the spam and the request was submitted. If you are fast the session will not take more than 10 seconds – try this with the web interface!

So though it’s age and the ajax web 2.0 shiny wysiwyg plinkplonk alternatives Mailman provides you with nice wrappers for moderating larger amounts of mails within seconds. If you stick to a community you will probably sooner or later be asked to moderate a mailing list. Now you can say: „No problem. I have a command line tool for this“.

my package of the day: fish – the friendly interactive shell

Always wanted to learn using a shell more deeply? Maybe „fish„, the „friendly interactive shell“ is the right kickoff for you.

If you are already a heavy command line user with customized .bashrc or even .zshrc (like me), thank you probably don’t need another shell. But if this shell thingy is somehow a miracle to you but you saw people using it like wizards with colorful commands and a typing speed that made you jealous then it could help you to start with a shell that concentrates on being very friendly to new users as common shells like Bash and ZSH expect you to read the manual and write a config file (there are aids and defaults that vary from distribution to distribution).

The standard shell for login users in Ubuntu/Debian is „Bash“. Ubuntu already ships the file /etc/bash_completion that is read by default and helps users using the TAB key more exensively. Try it on you bash shell: just type something like „ls –“ and press TAB twice. You’ll see a list of options that „ls“ provides. Nice but it could be nicer. Let’s compare this to fish. Install fish by using Synaptic or „aptitude install fish“, open a terminal and start the shell by typing „fish“. You should a changed green prompt. Now type „ls -“ and press TAB.

Stop: Already while typing you should see a strange color change. When entering „l“ the character turns red and underlined. Looks like an error? Well, it is: fish tells you, that „l“ is probably not a command. An aid during typing before running a command. Neat. Now, when pressing TAB you should a very clean list of options for „ls“ with a short description of each option:


Helpfull, isn’t it? Of course this is not limited to ls. Try it with other commands you are using. If you ask yourself why you have to type „command –“ and press TAB: „–“ introduces a command line option („-“ does this also – try it!). As you press TAB after this, the shells knows „the user wants to do something and needs help on completing it“. It looks after a pattern and sees that you want to use the given command and are looking for options. That’s all. As I said: This works in Bash often by default also, but not that nice.

Now fish can do more with completion of course. Want to install a program? Try „aptitude install mut“ and press TAB. It will show you a list of packages matching that pattern:


Need to kill a process? Type „kill “ and press TAB and you will get a nice list of running processes:


The list of possible TAB completions on fish is endless. Just notice that emphasis has been put on commands like mount, make, su, ssh, apt-get/aptitude. In most commands usernames, process ids will automatically be completed. The trick is just to try TAB when you are too lazy to type or unsure how to proceed. A good shell surprises you from time to time with it’s completion.

Also very helpful is the extended pattern matching for file names. Let’s say you want a list of all pdf files in a directory and all it’s subdirectories. On bash you probably use something like „find . -name „*.mp3“. On fish you use the pattern „**“ which means any files and directories in the current directory and all of its subdirectories. So type „ls **.pdf“ and you get the list you want as fish crawls through the directories for you. Want alle .mp3 and mp4 files but not files like .mpeg? Use „ls **.mp?“ as „?“ stands for one character. Of course commands like „rm **.bak“ are possible, too. Use them with care! In the following example we are looking for pdf files in all subdirectorie, delete them and afterwards make sure they are really gone:


So let me stop here. I hope, I was able to show you that using fish instead of an unconfigured shell is a nice way of getting in the command line business. Fish provides you with a lot of more features that you might need and saves you from writing a config file from scratch.

If you want to give fish a try: Install it and run the „help“ command. I will launch a nice help page in you browser. Read some parts of the document as they’ll show you nice gimmicks. Or just don’t and start right away. But trust me: Reading hints for a shell from time to time will save you … time.

(Just in case you don’t know: You can change your standard shell by using the „chsh“ command. But when being a novice it is always a good idea to stick to the distribution specific default shell and run your shell directly by calling it. When you are more used to it feel free to make it your standard shell…)

my package of the day: weather-util (weather report and forecast for the console)

Let me introduce you today into a tool that a lot of people might evaluate as useless: Jeremy Stanley’s weather-util. Whith this tiny python script, which finally found its way into Debian Etch and Ubuntu repositories, you can retrieve weather information from weather stations worldwide directly from the command line.

After installing it by running „aptitude install weather-util“ or synaptec, call „weather“:

$ weather
Current conditions at Raleigh-Durham International Airport (KRDU)
Last updated Jun 04, 2008 - 01:51 AM EDT / 2008.06.04 0551 UTC
   Wind: from the S (180 degrees) at 10 MPH (9 KT)
   Sky conditions: mostly cloudy
   Temperature: 72.0 F (22.2 C)
   Relative Humidity: 73%

Pretty impressive, isn’t it? Weather just makes an http call to a weather server for a preset station (where the heck is Raleigh-Durham International Airport?) and returns the current weather information. Of course you can also retrieve the forecast for the next days by running „weather -f“:

$ weather -f
Current conditions at Raleigh-Durham International Airport (KRDU)
Last updated Jun 04, 2008 - 01:51 AM EDT / 2008.06.04 0551 UTC
   Wind: from the S (180 degrees) at 10 MPH (9 KT)
   Sky conditions: mostly cloudy
   Temperature: 72.0 F (22.2 C)
   Relative Humidity: 73%
City Forecast for Raleigh Durham, NC
Issued Wednesday morning - Jun 4, 2008
   Wednesday... Partly cloudy, high 67, 20% chance of precipitation.
   Wednesday night... Low 96, 20% chance of precipitation.
   Thursday... Partly cloudy, high 71, 10% chance of precipitation.
   Thursday night... Low 97.
   Friday... High 72.

Sadfully the forecast only displays Fahrenheit, but that way we have enough space for patching the package :)

Retrieving local weather information

Now we are, of course, we are interested in the weather in our area. The easiest way is getting the ID for a weather station. Just go to and choose your country/city/station by using the drop down menus for US and international stations. When you found a station close to your point of interest you can see a four letter id in round brackets. See the example above – the airport has KRDU. I am using EDDI most of the times which is Berlin Tempelhof – an airport in the city center of Berlin.

So you are ready to ask politely for weather again by giving the id with „weather –id=ID“, in my case „–id=EDDI“. (note: you can also make it short with „-iEDDI“:

$ weather --id=EDDI
Current conditions at Germany (EDDI) 52-28N 013-24E 49M (EDDI)
Last updated Jun 04, 2008 - 01:50 AM EDT / 2008.06.04 0550 UTC
   Wind: from the E (080 degrees) at 13 MPH (11 KT)
   Temperature: 62 F (17 C)
   Relative Humidity: 59%

Please note: Not all weather stations support forecasts (-f) and drop a 404 http error. You just have to try this. You can also switch on „verbose“ mode (-v) which gives you even more details.

Weather on the command line without weather-util?

Works like a charm, doesn’t it? For the curious people around who want to understand where weather-util pulls the information from: See

for reference. Just text files on a web server regularly updated. Click around and go to there parent dir – you’ll find even more interesting information. So using weather-util without weather-util should be not a big deal.

Screen integration

Now for the console lovers: You are using screen with a pimped status bar, don’t you? And in your wildest dreams you imagined the status bar showing the weather report, so you even don’t have to look outside the window because as a console guy you don’t even like your real „window“? No problem anymore by using screens backticks and weather-util.

As I noticed that weather-util runs into trouble from time to time when not being able to send it’s http request, I decided for a indirect weather pull by writing the information I need to a flat file by a cronjob. We just call weather-util and use awk to grab the snippet we need. I am interested in the temperature in Celsius. weather-util shows this line:

Temperature: 62 F (17 C)

So I use the following very quick and very dirty awk to get the „17“ out:

$ weather -iEDDI | awk '/Temperature/ {print $4}' | \
awk -F "(" '{print $2}'

Feel free to brush this up and report back. I am sure you can improve to use only one awk call instead of two.

You save this line to a shell script that is scheduled to run every five minutes and direct it via „>“ to write it’s output to a flat txt file. Within you .screenrc you read this file and display the contents in you status bar.

startup_message off
defscrollback 1024
hardstatus on
hardstatus alwayslastline
backtick 1 0 300 cat /path/to/weather-text-file.txt

# remove line breaks made with "\"on the following lines
caption always "%{+b rk}$USER@%{wk}%H | %{yk}(Last: %l) %{gk} \
Weather: %1`C  %-21=%{wk}%D %d.%m.%Y %0c"
hardstatus alwayslastline "%?%-Lw%?%{wb}%n*%f %t%?(%u)\
%?%{kw}%?%+Lw%? %{wk}"

Make sure that have the file /path/to/weather-text-file.txt with the temperature in it. Now run screen and enjoy you shiny new status bar. See the green area in the screenshot below:

So that’s all for now. You should be able to play around with weather-util and screen to get the information you need (or let’s say „want“ :).


The incredible mnemonikk updated my awk | awk to a onetime sed within seconds:

$ weather -iEDDI | sed -n 's/.*Temperature:.*(\(.*\))/\1/p'

Thank you!

my package of the day: less (yes, less)

Let me tell you something about „less“: You are probably underrating it for no reason. Of course you know „less“ is always there and it does it’s job – showing files while being able to scroll backward – and some even use it instead of „tail“. But, hey, let’s examine some of the command line options to get more out of less:

-M: this option extends the prompt on the bottom. By default less in most cases just shows the name of the file it is showing, with „-M“ turned on, it also shows how many lines the files has, which lines it is currently showing and how far (in percent) you have gone. No killer feature, but nice to have.

-i: this option causes searches to ignore cases. A search for „pattern“ therefore also finds „PaTTerN“. You like this, don’t you? You like this even more, as this search still enables you to switch case sensitive search on by searching for a pattern containing at least one uppercase letter. A search for „Pattern“ for instance would still be case sensitive. If you even want to prevent this, you could use „-I“ which totally ignores cases.

-r: Sometimes getting warnings about binary characters? With „-r“ you tell less to display raw characters. This can help you when displaying files containing color codes. It is said that log files from Rails contain these types of code.

-c: Just a gimmick to redraw the screen more clearly by beginning from the top line instead of scrolling. This might result in a slightly increased data transfer rate when using ssh but can improve usability.

-a: This causes less to skip found search patterns when pressing „n“ not from item to item but from page to page. You might know the pain when searching for a pattern that comes up more than once on a page and you start hammering „n“ getting confused on what you have already seen and what not. This options just skips at least the current page before displaying the next found pattern while still marking all patterns of course.

-f: This can help you in conjunction with „-r“ to force the display of raw characters without being questioned again.

Confused about the sequence of the options? Don’t be:

$ less -Mircaf

is something you just learn or create an alias for.

This one, to sum up the options, will display an extended prompt, ignores cases in searches, while being able to switch them on, skip found search patterns at least per page, display raw characters like color codes without asking and redraws the screen as good as possible.

Another feature that should be mentioned is the „follow file“ mode that some of you might know. It is similar to tail as it shows you the content of a file that gets appended while viewing. You turn this mode on by pressing „F“ (uppercase F). The advantage over tail is that you can interrupt the mode by pressing ctrl-c and scroll back though still being able to return to follow by pressing „F“.

Not so familiar is the fact that you also can jump into the follow mode from the command line:

$ less +F

starts the follow mode immediatly. Of course typing „+F“ on the command line is not sophisticated as typing „tail“ but you can create an alias for it like „ltail“ or whatever you like.

As a summary:

$ alias eless="less -Mircaf"
$ alias ltail="less +F"

gives you two new commands. „eless“ as an extended less provides you with the described features. „ltail“ simulates „tail“ but enables you to jump back to the normal less by pressing ctrl-c.

Instead of creating an alias for „less -Mircaf“ you could also use the environment variable „LESS“:

$ export LESS="-Mircaf"

A credit goes to mnemonikk, who was just too lazy to blog this.

Please note: As less is still being developped, command line options might slightly change. For instance in newer version „-R“ instead of „-rf“ might lead to the same result. Just try it or check the version of less you are running („less –version“) against the official less changelog.

my package of the day: irqbalance

Maybe you are in the nice situation of running machine with multiple cpu cores having to crunch a lot of numbert or providing network daemons. Multiple cpu cores can boost your performance dramatically but there are, of course, possible issues. On is the fact, that interrupts by default are mainly called by the first cpu. As applications that aren’t able to thread correctly can stick to this cpu you might notice by a „cat /proc/interrupts“ that something goes wrong. The following is a (compressed) /proc/interrupts from a live server running for about ten weeks:

           CPU0       CPU1
  0: 1855681242        574  timer
  7:          0          0  parport0
  8:          1          0  rtc
  9:          1          0  acpi
 14:         65          0  ide0
 58:          4          0  ehci_hcd:usb1, uhci_hcd:usb2
 66:  212905125         72  3w-xxxx
 74: 1094755762          0  eth0
185:    6223686          0  uhci_hcd:usb4, eth1
193:       1978          0  uhci_hcd:usb3, libata

You can see, that actually all interrupts are called by CPU0. We want to brush this up! How? Just run a „aptitude install irqbalance“ as irqbalance promises:

Daemon to balance interrupts across multiple CPUs, which can lead to better performance and IO balance on SMP systems. This package is especially useful on systems with multi-core processors, as interrupts will typically only be serviced by the first core.

So let’s check after about one week by another „cat /proc/interrupts“:

           CPU0       CPU1
  0: 1887385089   33827155     timer
  7:          0          0     parport0
  8:          1          0     rtc
  9:          1          0     acpi
 14:         65          0     ide0
 58:          4          0     ehci_hcd:usb1, uhci_hcd:usb2
 66:  212950265   11810501     3w-xxxx
 74: 1310191290          0     eth0
169:          0          0     uhci_hcd:usb5
185:    6223686     228881     uhci_hcd:usb4, eth1
193:       1978          0     uhci_hcd:usb3, libata

Nice, isn’t it? CPU1 started to grab interrupts also. If we would reboot the server, most of the irqs would look balanced over time. (most, not all)

Please notice:

Before installing irqbalance, check your /proc/interrupts. It might be possible, that you don’t need it though you have multiple cores as there is a value „CONFIG_IRQBALANCE“ in 2.6 kernels that can be turned on.


The comments (thank you!) pointed out the following:

  • There are reports on crashed systems using irqbalance. (Though I have never seen anyone by myself)
  • Note that irqbalance is not in main – if you are using it on an important server.
  • CONFIG_IRQBALANCE seems to be enabled in Bbuntu Hardy by default.
  • There are discussions about removing CONFIG_IRQBALANCE as it is said that irqbalance is more reliable.

So it is up to you to decice which one to use!


Actually a glance on  /boot/config-2.6.24-17-generic shows, that CONFIG_IRQBALANCE seems not to be enabled in Hardy though the balancing seems to work. Actually I am not one of the kernel guys so my investigation will take it’s time. Any hints welcome (thank you lissyx).

removing outdated ssh fingerprints from known_hosts with sed or … ssh-keygen

At least from the last issue in Debian-based systems including Ubuntu you might know the pain of getting the message from you ssh client that the server host key has changed as ssh stores the fingerprint of ssh daemons it connects to. Actually this is a neat feature because it helps you detecting man in the middle attacks, dns issues and other things you probably should notice.

Until recently I opened the file .ssh/known_hosts in vim, deleted the entry, saved the file and started over again. I randomly checked „man ssh“ which gives you a lot of hints about the usage of known_hosts but I just did not find information about how to delete an old fingerprint or even overwrite it. I imagined something like „ssh –update-fingerpring hostname“ with an interactive yes/no question you cannot skip. There is the setting „StrictHostKeyChecking“ that might get you out of the fingerprint-has-changed-trouble but it does not solve the real problem as you want those checks.

So after hanging around with Mnemonikk discussing this he pointed out a very simple method with „sed“ that is really handy and helps you understanding sed more deeply. You can advise „sed“ to run a command on a specific line. So have a look at this session:

$ ssh secrethost
Offending key in /home/ccm/.ssh/known_hosts:46
Host key verification failed.
$ sed -i "46 d" .ssh/known_hosts
$ ssh secrethost
The authenticity of host 'secrethost (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is ab:cd:ef:ab:cd:ef:ab:cd:ef:ab:cd:ef:ab:cd:ef:ab.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?

We just took the line number 46 which ssh complains about and run in in-place-editing mode (-i) with the command run on line 46 the command delete (d). That was easy, wasn’t it? Small lesson learned about sed. Thank you Mnemonikk (he is currently working on a screencast about screen if you let me leak some information here :).

But to be honest I’s still looking for the „official“ method the delete a key from known_hosts. Therefore I browsed through the man pages and finally found what I was looking for in „man ssh-keygen“. Yes, definitely zero points for usability as deleting with a tool named „generator“ is confusing but it works, however. You can advice ssh-keygen to delete (-R) fingerprints for a hostname which helps you when you turned hashed hostnames on in you known_hosts:

$ ssh secrethost
Offending key in /home/ccm/.ssh/known_hosts:63
Host key verification failed.
[ccm@hasung:255:/etc/ssh]$ ssh-keygen -R secrethost
/home/ccm/.ssh/known_hosts updated.
Original contents retained as /home/ccm/.ssh/known_hosts.old
[ccm@hasung:0:/etc/ssh]$ ssh secrethost
The authenticity of host 'secrethost (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is ab:cd:ef:ab:cd:ef:ab:cd:ef:ab:cd:ef:ab:cd:ef:ab.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?

So „ssh-keygen -R hostname“ is a nice syntax as you even do not have to provide the file name and path for known_hosts and it works with hashed names. Nevertheless I’ll also use the sed syntax – keep it trained it’ll help you in other cases also.

Ubuntu BBQ on 31th of May – End of Linuxtag

Ubuntu Berlin strikes again! On the 31th of May, this Saturday (and last day of the „Linuxtag“), Ubuntu Berlin is proud to present the „Ubuntu BBQ“ – an event you should not miss when staying in Berlin for attending „Linuxtag 2008„, live here or happen to be around by chance.

Hosted again by the sunken starship „c-base“ we are happy to provide you with drinks at low prices, and BBQ and entrance for … free! Sponsorships from Canonical Ltd. (you might have heard of them) and ubuntu Deutschland e.V. (thank you!) and an invitation from the Linuxtag Community staff made this possible and we are anxious to see how many Linuxtag attendees make their way to the base.

But it’s not about eating and drinking: The event gives you the possibility to meet a lot of GNU/Linux and Ubuntu interested folks, even some of the well known free software gurus in a relaxed atmosphere. Of course you can use a free wifi network with you notebook/gadget/whatever, but don’t forget: It’s a party. Music will be around and you can sit directly at the rivercoast of the „Spree“. It’s said the weather will be great.

You are invited the join us starting from 4 pm – the BBQ will start from 7pm – so you have enough time to come over from Linuxtag. We will arrange some groups you can join on Linuxtag making it easier for you to find the c-base. See more on our (yet only German) announcement.